Çalışma no: EFC5495 (Çalışma Türkiye Sorumlusu, Hasta Alımı Tamamlanmıştır)
International, multicenter, randomized, parallel group, double blind study, in patients with acute symptomatic deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs demonstrating the bioequipotency at steady state of equimolar doses of SSR126517E (3 mg) once a week and SR34006 (2.5 mg) once a week, documenting the safety and efficacy of both compounds during a 6-month treatment, and demonstrating the neutralizing effect of SSR29261 on the SSR126517E-induced anti-Xactivity
Çalışma no: EFC6145 (Çalışma Sorumlusu, Hasta Alımı Devam Etmektedir)
A randomized double-blind placebo controlled parallel group study of the efficacy and safety of 4 administrations of XRP0038/NV1FGF 4 MG AT 2-week intervals on amputation or any death in critical limb ischemia patients with skin lesions.